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The Learning Orientation Questionnaire (LOQ) is a self-assessment tool that can help students explore the psychological aspects of working in teams, especially through the process of building teams towards successful performance. When students are aware of their own needs, tendencies, values, wishes, and preferences, they are likely to make better strategic decisions and choices. They are more likely to reflect upon forseeable ways to make improvements. Additionally, when students are more informed about other team members' needs, values, and wishes, they too can learn to become more respectful and understanding of individual differences. High performance teams do not happen overnight and an awareness of individual and peer differences can speed up the team building process. An awareness of differences among peers in a team may be critical in learning how teams can achieve more, communicate better, and work together more successfully.

For team managers, the LOQ is useful for creating the team composition, developing and managing teams, defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing effective ground rules. The LOQ is also helpful in an After-Action or debriefing situation where individuals can step back away from the team and provide constructive feedback. They can make more sense of the differences in individual perceptions concerning team processes, communication, and accomplishments.

The LOQ helps students learn from reviewing and reflecting on their own experiences and abilities, particularly by discussing outcomes of the team processes and assessing their individual and team learning processes. In many situations, some students may be thinking about how they learn for the first time.

The LOQ provides teams with a useful taxonomy or construct to discuss a difficult or complex situation and see through each other's eyes, in order to set and achieve goals; identify, manage, and resolve issues; reach a new understanding; influence decisions; or choose new behavior. The LOQ helps students to become self-aware. Self-awareness and reflection about peer differences improves communication, especially negotiation in highly emotional situations or conflicts. Self-awareness is especially critical in helping teams set common goals and creating a shared vision.

The LOQ is also useful in studies to find out more about what individuals have learned about teamwork, about themselves as learners and about themselves within teams. With reflection, the LOQ helps individuals learn how they affect team development. The LOQ would also be useful to see whether individuals feel that they have been able to transfer their team skills to the working environment.

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