Adaptive Learning

The Next Generation of E-Learning is Adaptive Learning

Adaptive Learning provides content and services to meet individual or group learning needs with improved learning achievement and efficiency. Adaptive learning uses prior successes and measures learner progress to identify and provide future targeted learning strategies. Adaptive learning supports adaptive interaction, feedback and delivery of information and content. The key to successful adaptive learning is finding the multiple sources of personalization intelligence (e.g., learning orientation, academic background, etc.) that tells the system how to adapt appropriately. Accounting for individual learning needs and differences correctly has especially increased in importance as learners transition to online learning and seek more personalized solutions to match their learning needs. Personalized learning is a contrasting approach to adaptive learning.

Next-generation products depict the supportive learning role that technology can rightfully play in correcting learning problems that have continually perplexed training markets in the past. Adaptive learning is important because it enables learners to select their modular components to customize their learner-centric learning environments. Secondly, it enables them to offer flexible solutions that dynamically adapt content to fit individual real-time objectives.

    As learners and instructors move online, adaptive learning (instructor in the box) is a more sophisticated solution for developing meaningful online relationships. Experience has always shown that the best way to improve learning is to respond to identified needs and clearly articulated solutions with social support when needed. Inferential technology is the giant step in using technology to improve learning. If deployed within an open-market paradigm, intelligent e-learning systems will clearly have a positive impact on the accessibility, affordability, and quality challenges that now confront global education and training.

Adaptive Learning Websites Links:

Knowledge Management Challenges in Web-Based Adaptive e-Learning

Technology Innovation Program (ATP) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology: Adaptive Learning Systems

Courseware Conversion Factory: Re-Engineering Objects for Web-Based Instruction on Demand

Learning Technology Newsletter

Real Adaptive Intelligent Learning System (RAILS)

Adaptive Learning Discussion List

Adaptive Learning Environments

Grefenstette, J., De Jong, K., & Spears. Competition-Based Learning Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology Division

E-Learning Standards Organizations:

Alliance of Remote Instructional Authoring and Distribution Networks for Europe (ARIADNE)

Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative (Shareable Courseware Object Reference Model)

Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC)

IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee
IEEE-SA Standards Board approved the LOM P1484.12 standard. This is a "multi-part" standard with three (3) parts. Each part will be an IEEE standard, designated as follows:

P1484.12.1 Standard for Learning Object Metadata Data Model

P1484.12.2 Standard for ISO/IEC 11404 binding for Learning Object Metadata P1484.12.1 data model

P1484.12.3 Standard for XML binding for Learning Object Metadata P1484.12.1 data model
Instructional Management Systems Project (IMS)

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Created by the 2003 by Margaret Martinez & The Training Place.
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Copyright © Margaret Martinez 1996-2010
Last updated: April 2010